Factors To Consider Before Getting Teeth-In-a-Day Implants

Are you tired of dealing with missing or damaged teeth and looking for a quick and efficient solution? Teeth-in-a-day implants might be the perfect choice for you. This innovative dental procedure allows patients to receive a set of new teeth in just a few hours. However, it’s not suitable for everyone.

Before making any decision, it’s crucial to determine whether you’re a good candidate for this procedure. In this blog post, a cosmetic dentist from Mansfield, Ohio, will explore the factors that make you a good 

candidate for this procedure. This way, you can make an informed decision about your dental health.

Teeth-In-A-Day Implant

What Exactly Is A Teeth-In-A-Day Implant?

Teeth in One Day is a dental implant surgery method. This method consists of inserting dental implants into the jawbone to restore damaged or missing teeth. 

The implants act as tooth roots, providing a stable foundation for long-lasting, natural-looking crowns. Traditional dental implant methods, on the other hand, require a healing period between implant placement and crown attachment.

The teeth-in-one-day procedure is unique due to its ability to place temporary, fully functional teeth on the same day as dental implants. These temporary teeth will remain in place until your permanent teeth are ready for placement. It allows you to experience instant beautiful results from the implants. 

You will be able to smile, speak, and eat with confidence thanks to the stability that dental implants provide. Implants also help to stabilize and upkeep the jaw bone, avoiding potential bone loss. Implants are a popular option for dentures because dentures may contribute to bone loss in the jaw.

You might be a good candidate for teeth-in-a-day implants depending on certain circumstances. However, you should contact a Mansfield, Ohio, cosmetic dentist to receive proper guidance about this procedure.

How To Know If I’m A Good Candidate?

There are a few things to consider before getting teeth-in-a-day implants. Let’s take a look at each of them.

Healthy Gums

One of the most important factors in determining whether someone is a good candidate for teeth-in-a-day implants (or not) is the health of their gums. Healthy gums are essential for the success of the procedure. If you have gum disease, it must be treated before starting the process because gum disease can cause the implant to fail or become infected, leading to further complications.

Gum disease is a common condition that affects many people. It is caused by the buildup of plaque, which can lead to inflammation and infection of the gums. If left untreated, gum disease can cause tooth loss and lead to more serious health problems, including heart disease and stroke. Therefore, you must treat gum disease before undergoing any dental procedure, including teeth-in-a-day implants

Adequate Bone Density

Another essential factor in determining candidacy for teeth-in-a-day implants is the density of the jawbone. The dentist will anchor the implant in the jawbone to provide a stable foundation for the replacement teeth. Your cosmetic dentist in Mansfield, Ohio, may recommend a bone graft before starting the procedure, especially if you have low bone density. This ensures that the implant has enough support to be successful.

Bone density can vary due to different factors, including age, genetics, and lifestyle choices. For example, smoking can lead to a decrease in bone density, which can make it more difficult for the implant to be successful. If you are considering Teeth In A Day implants, your dentist will evaluate your bone density to determine if a bone graft is necessary.

Good Overall Health

Good overall health is also necessary for being a good candidate for this type of dental implant. If you have underlying health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, it may increase the risk of complications during and after the procedure. Your dentist will also evaluate your overall health with different methods, including simple questions about your lifestyle.

As we said before, chronic health conditions like diabetes or heart disease can make a huge difference. You may need to manage the condition properly before undergoing any dental procedure. It can help reduce the risk of complications during and after the procedure. Your cosmetic dentist in Mansfield, Ohio, may also consult with your primary care physician to ensure the process is safe for you.

Teeth-In-a-Day Implants

Check-List Of A Good Candidate For Teeth-In-A-Day Implants

Generally speaking, you might be a good candidate for this type of implant if you meet these criteria:

  • You have one or more damaged or missing teeth.
  • You want to see immediate dental improvements.
  • You have adequate bone density.
  • You have healthy oral tissue.
  • You don’t grind your teeth too much.
  • You don’t have medical conditions that could affect the healing, including diabetes. 
  • You want a different option to bridgework or traditional dentures. 

Hiring The Right Cosmetic Dentist In Mansfield, Ohio

In summary, a good candidate for Teeth In A Day implants has healthy gums, adequate bone density, and good overall health. Your dentist may recommend alternative treatments or procedures if you do not meet these criteria. It is crucial to work with your dentist to determine the best course of action for your needs. 

Don’t let missing or damaged teeth hold you back any longer! Get in touch with Dr. Kiser Dental now for the best treatment and attentive care for your teeth. We can help you restore your teeth so they look healthy again! Fill in our online form now to get started!

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Advanced Dentistry & Dental Implant Center
1221 S. Trimble Road, Buidling A
Mansfield, OH 44907

Tel: (419) 756-2880
Email: [email protected]